Jordan has an established track record of success handling complex intellectual property litigation between competitors in patent law.

He has significant experience preparing and presenting fact witnesses at trial on both the plaintiff and defense side and is highly skilled at crafting compelling narratives in high-stakes jury trials. Jordan also frequently cross-examines both expert and fact witnesses in patent trials.

Throughout his career, Jordan has become well-versed in a variety of technologies, such as telephony, online video, video game systems, outdoor sporting equipment and accessories, athletic garments, power grids, optical equipment, and software encryption.

In addition, he has experience litigating trade secret misappropriation, breach of contract, trademark, and copyright infringement issues. Not limited to jury trials, Jordan’s practice also includes conducting and defending depositions at every level across a broad range of IP-related issues.

Before becoming a lawyer, Jordan volunteered as an Americorps VISTA with Pro Bono Net and Montana Legal Services. In this role, he collaborated with law firms, national nonprofits, and software developers to integrate new technology for delivering legal information to traditionally underserved communities.

Jordan’s representative matters include:

  • Directed and cross-examined witnesses in a week-long jury trial resulting in a $339 million verdict against Google for patent infringement
  • Directed and cross-examined witnesses in a week-long jury trial resulting in verdict of non-infringement for the client
  • Successfully defended damages models against all summary judgment and Daubert challenges, leading to favorable settlements from multiple major cable companies on patent infringement and trade secret claims
  • Cross-examined witness in a two-week jury trial resulting in a $139 million verdict against a well-known cable television company for willful patent infringement

Co-author, Wait For It: "Unreasonable Delay" in Bringing Suit is No Longer a Defense in Patent Cases, IPQ: Enhancing Your IP IQ (May 2017)

Co-author, Concrete Signs of an Abstract Idea: Vehicle Intelligence May Peek Into the Future of Invalidity, IpQ: Enhancing Your IP IQ (February 2016)

Twelve Years of Surveys: How the Arising Interpretation of the Federal Trademark Dilution Statute Chills Parody Trademarks and How Courts Can Change This, AIPLA Quarterly Law Journal 42-2 (2014)

Review of Rethinking Patent Law by Robin Feldman, 23 Law & Politics Book Review 325 (2013)

  • University of California, Berkeley School of Law, J.D.; Supervising Editor of the California Law Review
  • Truman State University, B.S., summa cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa


  • District of Columbia
  • Missouri
  • U.S. District Court: Western District of Missouri
  • U.S. District Court: District of Kansas

The Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, Litigation – Intellectual Property (2022-Present)

  • Hon. Nanette K. Laughrey, U.S. District Court: Western District of Missouri